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Some features of NBAA Connect are only available to NBAA members.
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Operating Member

An Operating member can be any person or entity that owns or operates aircraft, primarily not for hire, as a transportation aid in the conduct of its business or activities, that meets both of the the following criteria:

  • it uses pilots holding the qualifications required by the appropriate regulatory authority
  • less than 50 percent of its total sales volume, including that of all subsidiaries and affiliates, is from products or services sold to business aviation clients.

Operating members may choose to be included in the member-only Member Directory.

Business Member

A Business member can be any person or entity that has a commercial interest in business aviation and does not qualify for membership as an Operating member. Applicants for Business membership must be engaged in a field of endeavor whose aims are consistent with the principles and interests of the association.

Business members may choose to be included in the member-only Member Directory and publicly available Buyers Guide.

Professional Members

NBAA’s Professional member category is for any person with a pervasive interest in business aviation.

Professional members are restricted to participation by only one individual per membership and are allowed only one listing in the NBAA Connect Buyer’s Guide and Member Directory. They are not eligible to exhibit, sponsor or advertise with NBAA, or access the NBAA Compensation Survey.

Students and Retirees also fall under the Professional member category.

For more information about NBAA membership categories and dues – as well as the list of NBAA member benefits – visit